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INCHEONTP - Sign agreement to foster heavy vacuum, drone and robot industries 19.09.19


▲ We are visiting Syscon Engineering, a company specializing in autonomous logistics robots, and listening to explanations from officials.

' Seo-gu, Incheon, fostered as a hub for innovative growth of drones and robots '

Incheon Techno Park (Director Seo Byeong-jo) announced that it signed a business agreement with Seo-gu Office of Incheon Metropolitan City (District Mayor Lee Jae-hyun), National Assembly member Shin Dong-geun (Seo-gu, Incheon), and Small and Medium Venture Business Promotion Corporation (Chairman Lee Sang-jik) at the robot tower conference room in Incheon Robot Land on the 19th to "create a drone and robot industry cluster in Seo-gu, Incheon, and support innovative growth of small and medium venture companies related to drones and robots." About 30 officials attended the business agreement ceremony on the day, including Seo Byeong-jo, president of Incheon Techno Park, Lee Jae-hyun, Seo-gu Office of Incheon, lawmaker Shin Dong-geun (Seo-gu, Incheon), and Chairman Lee Sang-jik, chairman of the board of Jungjin Technical.
In order to foster the drone and robot industry in Incheon, Incheon Techno Park is promoting support projects such as public services for drones and commercialization and marketing of robot companies to companies in the robot industry promotion facility of Incheon Robot Land. With the implementation of the agreement, it will find promising companies of at least one drone and robot among the companies in the middle vacuum to provide policy funds, and Seo-gu Office will hold festival events such as drone and robot experience and exhibition at Incheon Asiad Main Stadium in October with tenant companies (event management, participation) and Incheon TP (sponsor).

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